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"Good friends care for each other, Close friends understand each other, but TRUE FRIENDS stay forever…beyond words, beyond distance, beyond time…!" March 7, 2021
Many of us have friends in our lives over the years. Some friends we make as children and then lose contact as we grow older. Other friends we make as adults and stay in touch with as long as we are in close proximity to and it is convenient to keep in touch but then over time one moves away or busy schedules slowly pull us apart and we start to lose touch. Those friendships fall into the “good friends” or “close friends” as the opening quote cites. But then there is that last group of friends – those we call true friends – they are those we have a mutual caring about, and we understand each other’s hearts, and where bonds are formed between us that span any distance in proximity and where the bonds run so deep that no amount of time apart or lack of words will change the way we feel about that friend. These are our true friends, and when one comes into your life cherish it. When someone is genuinely your true friend they leave an impression on your heart that will never go away…not with time and not with distance. True friends secure a place in your heart forever. I am forever grateful for the true friends in my life, both those who are alive and those who have passed away, thank you so much for being my true friends!

"Searching a good friend in the big crowd of people is as hard as searching a diamond in the coal mine." March 7, 2021
Friends can be both types good or bad, good friends lead us on good path whereas bad friends lead us on bad path, so we should be careful while choosing friends in life. Bad friends can be proved very bad to us as they are quite enough to ruin our life completely. We need someone special in our life to share our feelings (happy or sad), to talk someone to remove our loneliness, to make laugh someone sad and many more. In the good company of our friends we get motivation to do any hard work in life and it becomes easy to pass bad times cheerfully. We must be very careful while choosing a right person as our friend as we may get cheated by someone. Also getting a right or true friend is very hard for everyone and if one gets it, he is called very lucky. A good friend always supports in bad time and suggests to go on the right path. It is important for us to have friends but many of us find it difficult to strike up a friendship. If we keep a few things in mind, it shouldn’t be difficult to make friends. The first is to start a relationship with the right expectations. Don’t expect too much. If you start with high hopes, the relationship is likely to flounder. For anyone to fulfil your expectations, they need to understand what is expected of them. This understanding takes time.Besides, expectations are always two-sided, so having low expectations ensures the same from others. One of the drawbacks of starting a friendship with high expectations is that at every step, you start judging the person and his actions. There is a constant dialogue going on in your mind where you are trying to judge if the person is fitting into your definition of a friend. If you are too judgemental, you might focus only on the negatives and miss out on some of the finer qualities your friends might possess. People don’t necessarily have to fit into your image of a good person. There are many other ways in which people can be good. Also, if every person in your life fits into your definition of good, chances are that all the people in your life will be alike. In any relationship, and especially in friendship, it is important to communicate clearly what you are feeling. Honest communication leads to the right expectations. Always speak frankly about the way you feel. This ensures that your friend understands you for who you are and not the image that she might have created in her mind. It also ensures that there is complete acceptance and trust in the relationship..

"No matter what terms we on, If I said I'll be there for you I will." March 7, 2021
1:Be supportive. Support them because sometimes all the person need is friends support with whom he can share everything 2: Stay committed. Commit to staying connected with your friends even when you are far apart. 3: Be patient with your friends. 4: Communicate with your friends. 5: Trust Your Friends .
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