Shaheer's Blog Presents:
Students And Depression
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Depression That Breaks Everyone, August 2, 2021
Depression (major depressive disorder) is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act. Fortunately, it is also treatable. Depression causes feelings of sadness and/or a loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed. It can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems and can decrease your ability to function at work and at home. Depression occurs in students when they are not on to the expectations of people or you can simply say when they are unable toto fulfil thier aims. What I believed is that people should expect what we are capable of not what that's out of our range.Depression starts when we aren't able to complete people's expectations.Because there's alot of pressure on us from them.
Depression In Young Generation, August 2, 2021
Depression mostly occurs in young generation.If we talk about the ratio so according to Pakistan Medical Association in Pakistan 85% people are facing depression and 42.66% are students among them. So why most of the students are depressed. They are several reasons behind them but what I observed is that mostly students face anxiety due to the burden of thier studies plus they also have to take care of people's expectations.Secondly the society is the main factor. In universities we all know what politics is being played. I'll tell of you some of mine that I observed. If you are close to the teacher or you are from his cast you'll get the marks if not you are failed. Plus A student who does exam by taking classes,making notes and studying day and night gets lower marks than a student copying the papers and assingments from that person. It really hurts them and that's the reason that takes students to depression. In our society we believes in favouritism.The problem is that we can't see someone happy. I don't know why we judge people. Who the hell we are to judge anyone?? According to our society if a person comes first he/she is a respectable person and if a person get fails then no one is allowed to talk to that person. That person doesn't deserve to live the way everyone lives because he/she is a failure or loser.

So what do you guys think what's the solution for it?? According to me there's only one solution first of all we are muslims being as a muslim if I am depressed I won't cry infront of any one accept my Allah. As it is mentioned in Quran: “And let not their speech grieve you. Indeed, honor [due to power] belongs to Allah entirely. He is the Hearing, the Knowing.” [10:65] So guyz if I am depressed so I'll ask Allah to find a solution for me and yes we need someone with whom we can share our feelings but honestly speaking , In today's world we can't trust anyone because there are few who'll help you or the rest will only laugh on you. If you got failed doesn't matter try again and if someone calls you failiure or loser take it as your power because that taunt will make you to work hard in future that's what I believe but most importantly Believe In Allah!!!
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